Hobbies not Habits Event 5/7/22

You are warmly invited to our annual Hobbies not Habits even being held on May 7th, 2022

Hobbies not Habits is a FREE community event for youth and families to promote Healthy Hobbies!!!! There will be lots of fun activities and workshops for every age! Mark your calendars, you won’t want to miss this event!

Check out some of the activities and workshops we will have planned this year‼️
👉🏼Double slide bounce house!!!
👉🏼Civil Air Patrol Flight Simulator
👉🏼An Escape room!!!!
👉🏼CPR certification workshop for youth!!!
👉🏼Smile-activated photo booth!!!
👉🏼A police car for youth to check out the inside!!!
👉🏼Journaling and coloring workshop
👉🏼DIY Lava Lamps
👉🏼Lots of arts and crafts
👉🏼builders worship from Home Depot
👉🏼 Leather making workshop
👉🏼Free hot dogs, snacks, and water!
Save the Date and don’t miss out!
For more event information, please be sure to follow us on Facebook!
See and share our participant flyer below!
Would you like to participate as a vendor or activity during our event? Please complete the application below and send it to us ASAP!

Vendor Registration Form

Would you like to participate as a vendor during our annual Hobbies not Habits event on 5/7/2022?

The below registration form is for organizations that would like to have an activity or workshop at the event.

For more event information, please be sure to follow us on Facebook!

Download our form with this link: https://yadahlhc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Hobbies-Not-Habits-Event-Registration-Form.pdf

Hobbies Not Habits Event Registration Form